Tech Walks The Line Between Brilliant And Scary

Not too long ago I wrote an article about this specific issue regarding larger scale drones. Today these amazing entrepreneurs have developed a drone modeled after a Dragonfly.  At first look the technology is wonderful and amazingly cheap ($119.00).  Nothing can bad can be said about the amazing work these guys are doing to better drone technology, robotics, and tech in …

A Stark Difference This Novemeber

As we inch closer to the date of the election, we are reminded that we will go into the booth with many concerns, beliefs, and reasons to vote one way or another. While this decision is highly personal, it is based on many factors that affect our lives. Our cause is to discover the differences and point them out to …

Our work

As part of the yearly goals set out in our previous news article. GorillaAd Advertising Agency has evolved, we have added some new features to our site that will be critical to showcasing our work. Not surprising we have called it as such “Our Work”. If you are interested in viewing these new changes please click here. On this page …

Can You Tweet Me Now?

I will admit when social networking first came out i thought it as a tool for teenage girls. It had become evident that this phenomenon wasn’t going away. I admit looking at the time of when My Space first became a main stream tool for people to promote them selves (much like companies have been for years), I was not …

Don’t Miss Urbania!!!

I am honored and proud to consider Borbay a friend, but that’s not why you should go. You should go because The artist is really good, social and a great guy. He has produced more art in one year then anyone i have ever heard of. GorillaAd wishes him the best. I will personally be there, and i urge my …

GorillaAd Goes Social

GorillaAd is happy to announce our integrated social networking lineup,  It’s not that we didn’t have them before, but now they are all connected.   We will use these mediums to publicly announce new relationships, news, video, and discussions that help us better the marketing and advertising industry.  Also, we will from time to time mention and discuss artists that are …