Love 2015 – A Three Hour Porno

Love 2015 MovieI recently sat down to watch the much hyped movie [sarcastically] named “Love” made in 2015.  The movie is both written and directed by Gaspar Noé.  When I first heard of the movie, I must admit I have never heard of Gaspar before, and probably with good reason.

The premise of the movie is unintelligible for the majority of the film.  In fact even upon completion of the movie I still cant say I fully understand it.  To start this movie was less a film and more a porn.  For the record as a writer I do not judge those who enjoy pornography.  However close to three hours straight is a bit much for even the most sex addicted human being.  The film often used sex as a crutch for a poor storyline.

To give a bit more clarity the story goes as such.  Murphy a weird somewhat socially void character meets a spunky girl (Electra).  You can tell right away the girl has a very addictive and dark side to her even before things really start to go bad.  I should have mentioned they pretty much go bad in the first scene as we see Murphy agonize over her disappearance.  In fact from start to end the movie portrays love as little more then pain with periods of sex of different levels of intimacy.  The plot climaxes (pun intended) when Murphy impregnates a underage girl that they had a threesome with.  The worst part of this movie was the investment the viewer has to make in Murphy, a typical American with a cocky, fuck you attitude.

Interested yet? Well heres the bad news its really all down hill from here.  Not much actually happens through out this movie.  They have sex (a lot), fight with each other over seemingly self created problems.  The movie is meant to showcase that even bad relationships can achieve deep love.

I found the acting to be forced at times and the characters to be cliche.  I mean which adolescent has not gone through a relationship where they fight but still feel lots of passion.  This film depicts that in France over the course of 3 hours.  atleast 2+ of those hours is VERY GRAPHIC sexual intimacy.

Simply put I wouldn’t recommend it!